Hydra: Your Own Configuration Files

We encourage you to add custom config files in your own project. These will make it easy for you to launch different versions of your environments and agents with different parameters.

To be able to use custom configuration files, you first need to create your config module and add it to the Hydra search path. Then, you can either create just your own config modules (e.g., when you just need to customize the environment config), or create your own root config file if you have more custom needs.

Step 1: Custom Config Module in Hydra Search Path

For this, first, create a module where your config will reside (let’s say your_project.conf) and place an __init__.py file in there.

Then, add this config module to the Hydra search path by creating the following Hydra plugin (substitute your_project.conf with your actual config module path):

# Inside your project in: hydra_plugins/add_custom_config_to_search_path.py

"""Hydra plugin to register additional config packages in the search path."""
from hydra.core.config_search_path import ConfigSearchPath
from hydra.plugins.search_path_plugin import SearchPathPlugin

class AddCustomConfigToSearchPathPlugin(SearchPathPlugin):
    """Hydra plugin to register additional config packages in the search path."""

    def manipulate_search_path(self, search_path: ConfigSearchPath) -> None:
        """Add custom config to search path (part of SearchPathPlugin interface)."""
        search_path.append("project", "pkg://your_project.conf")

Now, you can add additional root config files as well as individual components into your config package.

For more information on search path customization, check Config Search Path and SearchPathPlugins in Hydra docs.

Step 2a: Custom Config Components

If what you are after is only providing custom options for some of the components Maze configuration uses (e.g., a custom environment configuration), then it suffices to add these into the relevant directory in your config module and you are good to go.

For example, if you want a custom configuration for the Gym Car Racing env, you might do:

# In your_project/conf/env/car_racing.yaml:

# @package env
type: maze.core.wrappers.maze_gym_env_wrapper.GymMazeEnv
env: "CarRacing-v0"

Then, you might call maze-run with the env=car_racing override and it will load the configuration from your file.

Depending on your needs, you can mix-and-match your custom configurations with configurations provided by Maze (e.g. use a custom env configuration while using a wrappers or models configuration provided by Maze).

Step 2b: Custom Root Config

If you need more customization, you will likely need to define your own root config. This is usually useful for custom projects, as it allows you to create custom defaults for the individual config groups.

We suggest you start by copying one of the root configs already available in Maze (like conf_rollout or conf_train, depending on what you need), and then adding more required keys or removing those that are not needed. However, it is also not difficult to start from scratch if you know what you need.

Once you create your root config file (let’s say your_project/conf/my_own_conf.yaml), it suffices to point Hydra to it via the argument -cn my_own_conf, so your command would look like this (for illustrative purposes):

$ maze-run -cn my_own_conf

Then, all the defaults and available components that Hydra will look for depend on what you specified in your new root config.

For an overview of root config, check out config root & defaults.

Step 3: Custom Runners (Optional)

If you want to launch different types of jobs than what Maze provides by default, like implementing a custom training algorithm or deployment scenario that you would like to run via the CLI, you will benefit from creating a custom Runner.

You can subclass the desired class in the runner hierarchy (like the TrainingRunner if you are implementing a new training scheme, or the general Runner for some more general concept). Then, just create a custom config file for the runner config group that configures your new class, and you are good to go.

Where to Go Next

After understanding how custom configuration is done, you might want to: