
During rollouts, the agent interacts with a given environment, issuing actions obtained from a given policy (be it a heuristic or a trained policy).

Usually, the purpose of rollouts is either evaluation (or even deployment) of a given policy in a given environment, or collection of trajectory data. Collected trajectory data can later be used for further learning (e.g. imitation learning) or for inspecting the policy behavior more closely using trajectory viewers.


On this page:

The First Rollout

Rollouts can be run from the command line, using the maze-run command. Rollout configuration (conf_rollout) is used by default. Hence, to run your first rollout, it suffices to execute:

$ maze-run env=gym_env

This runs a rollout of a random policy on cartpole environment. Statistics from the rollout are printed to the console, and trajectory data with event logs are stored in the output directory automatically configured by Hydra.

Alternatively, we might configure the rollouts to run just one episode in sequential mode and render the env (but more on that and other configuration options below):

$ maze-run env=gym_env runner=sequential runner.n_episodes=1 runner.render=true

Rollout Runner Configuration

Rollouts are run by rollout runners, which are agent- and environment-agnostic (for configuring environments and agents, see the following section).

By default, rollouts are run in multiple processes in parallel (as can be seen in the rollout configuration file, which lists runner: parallel in the defaults), and are handled by the ParallelRolloutRunner.

Alternatively, rollouts can be run sequentially in a single process by opting for the sequential runner configuration:

$ maze-run env=gym_env runner=sequential

This is mainly useful when running a single episode only or for debugging, as sequential rollouts are much slower.

The available configuration options for both scenarios are listed in the Hydra runner package (conf/runners/).

These are the parameters for parallel rollout runner:

# @package _group_
type: maze.core.rollout.parallel_rollout_runner.ParallelRolloutRunner

# Number of processes to run the rollouts in concurrently
n_processes: 5

# Total number of episodes to run
n_episodes: 50

# Max steps per episode to perform
max_episode_steps: 200

# If true, trajectory data will be recorded and stored in :code:`trajectory_data` directory
record_trajectory: true

# If true, event logs will be recorded and stored in `event_logs_directory
record_event_logs: true

# (Note that the default output directory is handled by Hydra)

Using these parameters, we can modify the rollout to e.g. be run only in 3 processes, and be comprised of 100 episodes, each of max 50 steps:

$ maze-run env=gym_env runner.n_processes=3 \
  runner.n_episodes=100 runner.max_episode_steps=10

(Alternatively, you can create your own configuration file that you will then supply to the maze-run command as described in Hydra primer section).

Environment and Policy Configuration

Environment and policy are configured using the env, resp. policy Hydra packages. Rollout runners are environment- and agent-agnostic, and will attempt to instantiate the type specified in the config files using Maze Registry.

Environment is expected to conform to the StructuredEnv interface and agent to the StructuredPolicy interface.

For agents, there are the following example config files:

  • agent/random_policy.yaml for instantiating a class that conforms to the StructuredPolicy interface directly

  • agent/cutting_2d_greedy_policy (in maze-envs/logistics) for wrapping (potentially multiple) flat policies into a structured policy

  • agent/torch_policy (in maze/train) for loading and rolling out a policy trained using the Maze framework

Hence, after training a policy on the tutorial Cutting 2D environment:

$ maze-run -cn conf_train env=tutorial_cutting_2d_struct_masked
  wrappers=tutorial_cutting_2d model=tutorial_cutting_2d_struct_masked

We can roll it out using:

$ maze-run policy=torch_policy env=tutorial_cutting_2d_struct_masked wrappers=tutorial_cutting_2d \
  model=tutorial_cutting_2d_struct_masked input_dir=outputs/[training-output-dir]

Note that for this to work, the training-output-dir parameter must be set to the output directory of the training run (the model state dict and other configuration will be loaded from there).

Plain Python Configuration

Rollout runners are primarily designed to support running through Hydra from command line. That being said, you can of course instantiate and use the runners directly in Python if you have some special needs.

from maze.core.agent.dummy_cartpole_policy import DummyCartPolePolicy
from maze.core.rollout.sequential_rollout_runner import SequentialRolloutRunner
from maze.core.wrappers.maze_gym_env_wrapper import GymMazeEnv

# Instantiate an example environment and agent
env = GymMazeEnv("CartPole-v0")
agent = DummyCartPolePolicy()

# Run a sequential rollout with rendering
# (including an example wrapper the environment will be wrapped in)
sequential = SequentialRolloutRunner(
sequential.run_with(env=env, wrappers={"ObservationLoggingWrapper": {}}, agent=agent)

Using the snippet above, you can run a rollout on any agent and environment directly from Python (parallel rollouts can be run similarly).

However, note that the rollout runners are currently designed to be run only once (which is their main use case for runs initiated from the command line). Running them repeatedly might cause some issues especially with statistics and event logging, as the runners initiate new writers every time (so you might get duplicate outputs) and some of these operations are order-sensitive (especially for the parallel rollouts where some state might be carried over to child processes).

Where to Go Next

If you collected trajectory data during the rollout, you might want to: