Maze Trainers

Trainers are the central components of the Maze framework when it comes to optimizing policies using different RL algorithms. To be more specific, Trainers and TrainingRunners are responsible for the following tasks:

  • manage the model types (actor networks, state-critics, state-action-critic, …),

  • manage agent environment interaction and trajectory data generation,

  • compute the loss (specific to the algorithm used),

  • update the weights in order to decrease the loss and increase the performance,

  • collect and log training statistics,

  • manage model checkpoints and the training process (e.g., early stopping).

The figure below provides an overview of the currently supported Trainers.


This page gives a general (high-level) overview of the Trainers and corresponding algorithms supported by the Maze framework. For more details especially on the implementation please refer to the API documentation on Trainers. For more details on the training workflow and how to start trainings using the Hydra config system please refer to the training section.

Supported Spaces

If not stated otherwise, Maze Trainers support dictionary spaces for both observations and actions.

If the environment you are working with does not yet interact via dictionary spaces simply wrap it with the built-in DictActionWrapper for actions and DictObservationWrapper for observations. In case of standard Gym environments just use the GymMazeEnv.

Advantage Actor-Critic (A2C)

A2C is a synchronous version of the originally proposed Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C). As a policy gradient method it maintains a probabilistic policy, computing action selection probabilities, as well as a critic, predicting the state value function. By setting the number of rollout steps as well as the number of parallel environments one can control the batch size used for updating the policy and value function in each iteration.

Mnih, V., Badia, A. P., Mirza, M., Graves, A., Lillicrap, T., Harley, T., Silver, D., & Kavukcuoglu, K. (2016, June). Asynchronous methods for deep reinforcement learning. In International conference on machine learning (pp. 1928-1937).


maze-run -cn conf_train algorithm=a2c model=vector_obs critic=default_state

Algorithm Parameters | A2CAlgorithmConfig

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm/a2c.yaml)

# @package algorithm

# number of epochs to train
n_epochs: 0

# number of updates per epoch
epoch_length: 25

# run evaluation in deterministic mode (argmax-policy)
deterministic_eval: false

# number of evaluation trials
eval_repeats: 2

# number of steps used for early stopping
patience: 15

# number of critic (value function) burn in epochs
critic_burn_in_epochs: 0

# Number of steps taken for each rollout
n_rollout_steps: 100

# learning rate
lr: 0.0005

# discounting factor
gamma: 0.98

# bias vs variance trade of factor for Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE)
gae_lambda: 1.0

# weight of policy loss
policy_loss_coef: 1.0

# weight of value loss
value_loss_coef: 0.5

# weight of entropy loss
entropy_coef: 0.00025

# The maximum allowed gradient norm during training
max_grad_norm: 0.0

# Either "cpu" or "cuda"
device: cpu

Runner Parameters | ACRunner

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/a2c-dev.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.common.actor_critic.actor_critic_runners.ACDevRunner"

# model class used for policy and critic updates
trainer_class: maze.train.trainers.a2c.a2c_trainer.MultiStepA2C

# Number of concurrently executed environments
concurrency: 2

# Path to initial state (can contain: policy weights, critic weights, optimizer state)
initial_state_dict: ~

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/a2c-local.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.common.actor_critic.actor_critic_runners.ACLocalRunner"

# model class used for policy and critic updates
trainer_class: maze.train.trainers.a2c.a2c_trainer.MultiStepA2C

# Number of concurrently executed environments
concurrency: 8

# Path to initial state (can contain: policy weights, critic weights, optimizer state)
initial_state_dict: ~

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)

The PPO algorithm belongs to the class of actor-critic style policy gradient methods. It optimizes a “surrogate” objective function adopted from trust region methods. As such, it alternates between generating trajectory data via agent rollouts from the environment and optimizing the objective function by means of a stochastic mini-batch gradient ascent.

Schulman, J., Wolski, F., Dhariwal, P., Radford, A., & Klimov, O. (2017). Proximal policy optimization algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06347.


maze-run -cn conf_train algorithm=ppo model=vector_obs critic=default_state

Algorithm Parameters | PPOAlgorithmConfig

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm/ppo.yaml)

# @package algorithm

# number of epochs to train
n_epochs: 0

# number of updates per epoch
epoch_length: 25

# run evaluation in deterministic mode (argmax-policy)
deterministic_eval: false

# number of evaluation trials
eval_repeats: 2

# number of steps used for early stopping
patience: 15

# number of critic (value function) burn in epochs
critic_burn_in_epochs: 0

# Number of steps taken for each rollout
n_rollout_steps: 100

# learning rate
lr: 0.00025

# discounting factor
gamma: 0.98

# bias vs variance trade of factor for Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE)
gae_lambda: 1.0

# weight of policy loss
policy_loss_coef: 1.0

# weight of value loss
value_loss_coef: 0.5

# weight of entropy loss
entropy_coef: 0.00025

# The maximum allowed gradient norm during training
max_grad_norm: 0.0

# Either "cpu" or "cuda"
device: cpu

# The batch size used for policy and value updates
batch_size: 100

# Number of epochs for for policy and value optimization
n_optimization_epochs: 4

# Clipping parameter of surrogate loss
clip_range: 0.2

Runner Parameters | ACRunner

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/ppo-dev.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.common.actor_critic.actor_critic_runners.ACDevRunner"

# model class used for policy and critic updates
trainer_class: maze.train.trainers.ppo.ppo_trainer.MultiStepPPO

# Number of concurrently executed environments
concurrency: 8

# Path to initial state (can contain: policy weights, critic weights, optimizer state)
initial_state_dict: ~

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/ppo-local.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.common.actor_critic.actor_critic_runners.ACLocalRunner"

# model class used for policy and critic updates
trainer_class: maze.train.trainers.ppo.ppo_trainer.MultiStepPPO

# Number of concurrently executed environments
concurrency: 8

# Path to initial state (can contain: policy weights, critic weights, optimizer state)
initial_state_dict: ~

Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architecture (IMPALA)

IMPALA is a RL algorithm able to scale to a very large number of machines. Multiple workers collect trajectories (sequences of states, actions and rewards), which are communicated to a learner responsible for updating the policy by utilizing stochastic mini-batch gradient decent and the proposed V-trace correction algorithm. By decoupling rollouts (interactions with the environment) and policy updates the algorithm is considered off-policy and asynchronous, making it very suitable for compute-intense environments.

Espeholt, L., Soyer, H., Munos, R., Simonyan, K., Mnih, V., Ward, T., Doron, Y., Firoiu, V., Harley, T., Dunning, I., Legg, S., & Kavukcuoglu, K. (2018). Impala: Scalable distributed deep-rl with importance weighted actor-learner architectures. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.01561.


maze-run -cn conf_train algorithm=impala model=vector_obs critic=default_state

Algorithm Parameters | ImpalaAlgorithmConfig

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm/impala.yaml)

# @package algorithm

# number of epochs to train
n_epochs: 0

# number of updates per epoch
epoch_length: 25

# run evaluation in deterministic mode (argmax-policy)
deterministic_eval: false

# number of evaluation trials
eval_repeats: 2

# number of evaluation envs
eval_concurrency: 2

# number of steps used for early stopping
patience: 15

# this factor multiplied by the actor_batch_size gives the size of the queue for
# the agents output collected by the learner. Therefor if the all rollouts computed can be at most
# (queue_out_of_sync_factor + num_agents/actor_batch_size) out of sync with learner policy
queue_out_of_sync_factor: 1

# number of rolloutstep of each epoch substep
n_rollout_steps: 100

# number of actors to combine to one batch
actors_batch_size: 8

# number of actors to be run
num_actors: 8

# learning rate
lr: 0.0002

# discount factor
gamma: 0.98

# coefficient of the policy used in the loss calculation
policy_loss_coef: 1.0

# coefficient of the value used in the loss calculation
value_loss_coef: 0.5

# coefficient of the entropy used in the loss calculation
entropy_coef: 0.00025

# max grad norm for gradient clipping, ignored if value==0
max_grad_norm: 0

# A scalar float32 tensor with the clipping threshold for importance weights
# (rho) when calculating the baseline targets (vs). rho^bar in the paper. If None, no clipping is applied.
vtrace_clip_rho_threshold: 1.0

# A scalar float32 tensor with the clipping threshold on rho_s in
# \rho_s \delta log \pi(a|x) (r + \gamma v_{s+1} - V(x_sfrom_importance_weights)). If None, no clipping is
# applied.
vtrace_clip_pg_rho_threshold: 1.0

# the type of reward clipping to be used, options 'abs_one', 'soft_asymmetric', 'None'
reward_clipping: "None"

# Device of the learner (either cpu or cuda)
# Note that the actors collecting rollouts are always run on CPU.
device: "cpu"

Runner Parameters | ImpalaRunner

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/impala-dev.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.impala.impala_runners.ImpalaDevRunner"

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/impala-local.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.impala.impala_runners.ImpalaLocalRunner"

# type of startmethod used for multiprocessing: 'forkserver', 'spawn', 'fork', 'dummy'
start_method: forkserver

Behavioural Cloning (BC)

Behavioural cloning is a simple imitation learning algorithm, that infers the behaviour of a “hidden” policy by imitating the actions produced for a given observation in a supervised learning setting. As such, it requires a set of training (example) trajectories collected prior to training.

Hussein, A., Gaber, M. M., Elyan, E., & Jayne, C. (2017). Imitation learning: A survey of learning methods. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 50(2), 1-35.

Example: Imitation Learning and Fine-Tuning

Algorithm Parameters | BCAlgorithmConfig

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/bc.yaml)

# @package algorithm

# Number of epochs to train for
n_epochs: 1000

# Number of iterations after which to run evaluation (in addition to evaluations at the end of
# each epoch, which are run automatically). If set to None, evaluations will run on epoch end only.
eval_every_k_iterations: 500

# Number of episodes to run during each evaluation rollout
n_eval_episodes: 10

# Optimizer used to update the policy
  type: torch.optim.Adam
  lr: 0.001

# Device to train on
device: cuda

# Batch size
batch_size: 100

# Number of workers to run evaluation in
n_eval_workers: 4

# Percentage of the data used for validation.
validation_percentage: 20

Runner Parameters | ImitationRunner

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/bc-dev.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.imitation.ImitationRunner"

# Specify the Dataset class used to load the trajectory data for training
  type: maze.train.trainers.imitation.in_memory_data_set.InMemoryImitationDataSet
  trajectory_data_dir: trajectory_data

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/bc-local.yaml)

# @package runner
type: "maze.train.trainers.imitation.ImitationRunner"

# Specify the Dataset class used to load the trajectory data for training
  type: maze.train.trainers.imitation.in_memory_data_set.InMemoryImitationDataSet
  trajectory_data_dir: trajectory_data

Evolutionary Strategies (ES)

Evolutionary strategies is a black box optimization algorithm that utilizes direct policy search and can be very efficiently parallelized. Advantages of this methods include being invariant to action frequencies as well as delayed rewards. Further, it shows tolerance for extremely long time horizons, since it does need to compute or approximate a temporally discounted value function. However, it is considered less sample efficient then actual RL algorithms.

Salimans, T., Ho, J., Chen, X., Sidor, S., & Sutskever, I. (2017). Evolution strategies as a scalable alternative to reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03864.


maze-run -cn conf_train algorithm=es model=vector_obs

Algorithm Parameters | ESAlgorithmConfig

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/es.yaml)

# @package algorithm

# Minimum number of episode rollouts per training iteration (=epoch)
n_rollouts_per_update: 10

# Minimum number of cumulative env steps per training iteration (=epoch).
# The training iteration is only finished, once the given number of episodes
# AND the given number of steps has been reached. One of the two parameters
# can be set to 0.
n_timesteps_per_update: 0

# The number of epochs to train before termination. Pass 0 to train indefinitely
max_epochs: 0

# Limit the episode rollouts to a maximum number of steps. Set to 0 to disable this option.
max_steps: 0

# The optimizer to use to update the policy based on the sampled gradient.
  step_size: 0.01

# L2 weight regularization coefficient.
l2_penalty: 0.005

# The scaling factor of the random noise applied during training.
noise_stddev: 0.02

Runner Parameters | ESMasterRunner

Default parameters (maze/conf/algorithm_runner/es-dev.yaml)

# @package runner
type: ""

# Fixed number of evaluation runs per epoch.
n_eval_rollouts: 10

# Number of float values in the deterministically generated pseudo-random table
shared_noise_table_size: 100000000

Maze RLlib Trainer

Finally, the Maze framework also contains an RLlib trainer class. This special class of trainers wraps all necessary and convenient Maze components into RLlib compatible objects such that Ray-RLlib can be reused to train Maze policies and critics. This enables us to train Maze Models with Maze action distributions in Maze environments with almost all RLlib algorithms.

Example and Details: Maze RLlib Runner

Where to Go Next