
class maze.core.utils.registry.Registry(*args, **kwds)

Supports the creation of different modules that can be plugged into the environments (like demand generators or reward schemes) and can instantiate them from parameters read from config files.

  • root_module – Starting point for search for suitable classes to be registered.

  • base_type – A common interface (parent class) of the registered types (e.g. DemandGenerator)

arg_to_collection(arg: Union[List[Union[None, str, Mapping[str, Any], Any]], Mapping[str, Union[None, str, Mapping[str, Any], Any]]], **kwargs) → Dict[Union[str, int], BaseType]

Instantiates objects specified in a list or dictionary.

arg_to_obj(arg: Union[None, str, Mapping[str, Any], Any], config: Mapping[str, Any] = None, **kwargs) → BaseType
Converts arg (usually passed to constructor of an env) to an instantiated class.
  • If arg is already instantiated, just returns it

  • If arg is a string, then construct an instance according to given type_registry and config parameters

  • If arg is a dict-like configuration, construct a new instance. The type is identified by the reserved attribute type and the remaining attributes are passed to the constructor.

  • arg – Either - an instantiated object inheriting from base_type - a string, e.g. ‘static’, usually together with the config argument - a dict-like configuration, specifying the type name in the reserved attribute type together with the constructor arguments. (e.g. { 'class': 'static_demand', 'constructor_argument': 1, ... })

  • config – Config to pass to the constructor if arg is a string.

  • kwargs – Additional arguments that are merged with the configuration dictionary (useful to sideload objects that can not conveniently be specified in the config, e.g. a shared RandomState)


arg if already instantiated, new object otherwise (see the build_obj method above)

classmethod build_obj(klass_or_callable: Union[Type[BaseType], Callable], instance_or_config: Union[None, str, Mapping[str, Any], Any] = None, **kwargs) → BaseType

Given a class, init an instance of that class with given keyword arguments.

  • klass_or_callable – Class to instantiate, or alternatively a function returning instance of the registry base type class.

  • instance_or_config – Either already an actual instance of klass or keyword arguments to provide

  • kwargs – Additional arguments that are merged with the configuration dictionary (useful to sideload objects that can not conveniently be specified in the config, e.g. a shared RandomState)


Instance of the given class

classmethod callable_from_path(path_string: str) → Callable[[], Any]

Attempt to import a callable from the specified path.


path_string – Path to the callable to import.


Imported callable.

class_type_from_module_name(module_name: Union[str, Type[BaseType]]) → Type[BaseType]

Import the given module and lookup the class from the module with the correct base type.

The implementation expects exactly one matching class per module. A ValueError is returned otherwise. If the module name is not valid, a ModuleNotFoundError is triggered.


module_name – Absolute module path (e.g. maze_envs.logistics.content_based_replenishment.env.maze_env)


The one and only class from the given module that derives from base_type.

collect_modules(root_module: Any, base_type: Type[BaseType])

Populates a registry dictionary, by walking the specified root module.

  • root_module – Starting point for search for suitable classes to be registered.

  • base_type – Class restriction. Registered classes/modules have to be of type klass.


A dictionary with class name -> class type for all registered valid sub-classes.