Customizing / Shaping Rewards

In a reinforcement learning problem the overall goal is defined via an appropriate reward signal. In particular, reward is attributed to certain, problem specific key events. During the training process the agent then has to discover a policy (behaviour) that maximizes the cumulative future reward over time. In case of a meaningful reward signal such a policy will be able to successfully address the decision problem at hand.


From a technical perspective, reward customization in Maze is based on the general event system (which also serves other purposes) and is implemented via RewardAggregators. In summary, after each step, the reward aggregator gets access to all the events the environment dispatched during the step (e.g., a new item was replenished to inventory), and can then calculate arbitrary rewards based on these events. This means it is possible to modify and shape the reward signal based on different events and their characteristics by plugging in different reward aggregators without further modifying the environment.

Below we show how to get started with reward customization by configuring the CoreEnv and by implementing a custom reward.

List of Features

Maze event-based reward computation allows the following:

  • Easy experimentation with different reward signals.

  • Implementation of custom rewards without the need to modify the original environment (simulation).

  • Computing rewards based on multiple components of the environment as well as global events.

  • Combining multiple different objectives into one multi-objective reward signal.

  • Computation of multiple rewards in the same env, each based on a different set of components (multi agent).

Configuring the CoreEnv

The following config snippet shows how to specify reward computation for a CoreEnv via the field reward_aggregator. You only have to set the reference path of the RewardAggregator and reward computation will be carried out accordingly in all experiments based on this config.

For further details on the remaining entries of this config you can read up on how to customize Core- and MazeEnvs.

# @package env
type: maze_envs.logistics.cutting_2d.env.maze_env.Cutting2DEnvironment

# parametrizes the core environment (simulation)
  max_pieces_in_inventory: 1000
  raw_piece_size: [100, 100]
    type: mixed_periodic
    n_raw_pieces: 3
    m_demanded_pieces: 10
    rotate: True
  # defines how rewards are computed
    type: maze_envs.logistics.cutting_2d.reward.default.DefaultRewardAggregator

# defines the conversion of actions to executions
  - type: maze_envs.logistics.cutting_2d.space_interfaces.action_conversion.dict.ActionConversion
    max_pieces_in_inventory: 1000

# defines the conversion of states to observations
  - type: maze_envs.logistics.cutting_2d.space_interfaces.observation_conversion.dict.ObservationConversion
    max_pieces_in_inventory: 1000
    raw_piece_size: [100, 100]

Implementing a Custom Reward

This section contains a concrete implementation of a reward aggregator for the built-in cutting environment.

In summary, the reward aggregator first declares which events it is interested in (the get_interfaces method). At the end of the step, after all the events have been accumulated, the reward aggregator is asked to calculate the reward (the summarize_reward method). This is the core of the reward computation – you can see how the events are queried and the reward assembled based on their values.

"""Assigns negative reward for relying on raw pieces for delivering an order."""
from typing import List

from maze.core.annotations import override
from import Subscriber
from import InventoryEvents
from maze.core.env.reward import RewardAggregatorInterface

class RawPieceUsageRewardAggregator(RewardAggregatorInterface):
    Reward scheme for the 2D cutting env penalizing raw piece usage.

    :param reward_scale: Reward scaling factor.
    def __init__(self, reward_scale: float):
        self.reward_scale = reward_scale

    def get_interfaces(self) -> List:
        """Specification of the event interfaces this subscriber wants to receive events from.
        Every subscriber must implement this configuration method.

        :return: A list of interface classes.
        return [InventoryEvents]

    def summarize_reward(self) -> float:
        """Summarize reward based on the orders and pieces to cut.

        :return: the summarized scalar reward.

        # iterate replenishment events and assign reward accordingly
        reward = 0.0
        for _ in self.query_events(InventoryEvents.piece_replenished):
            reward -= 1.0

        # rescale reward with provided factor
        reward *= self.reward_scale

        return reward

    def to_scalar_reward(cls, reward: float) -> float:
        """Nothing to do here for this env as the reward is already a scalar.

        This method is useful for example in a multi-agent setting
        where we could sum over multiple actors to assign a joint reward.

        :param reward: Here already a scalar reward.
        :return: The scalar reward returned by the environment.
        return reward

When adding a new reward aggregator you (1) have to implement the RewardAggregatorInterface and (2) make sure that it is accessible within your Python path.

Besides that you only have to provide the reference path of the reward_aggregator to use:

    type: my_project.custom_reward.RawPieceUsageRewardAggregator
    reward_scale: 0.1

Where to Go Next

  • Additional options for customizing environments can be found under the entry “Environment Customization” in the sidebar.

  • For further technical details we highly recommend to read up on the Maze event system.

  • To see another application of the event system you can read up on the Maze logging system.