5. Training the MazeEnv

The complete code for this part of the tutorial can be found here

# file structure
- cutting_2d
    - conf
        - env
            - tutorial_cutting_2d_basic.yaml
        - model
            - tutorial_cutting_2d_basic.yaml
        - wrappers
            - tutorial_cutting_2d_basic.yaml

5.1. Hydra Configuration

The entire Maze workflow is boosted by the Hydra configuration system. To be able to perform our first training run via the Maze CLI we have to add a few more config files. Going into the very details of the config structure is for now beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, we still provide some information on the parts relevant for this example.

The config file for the maze_env_factory looks as follows:

# @package env
type: tutorials.tutorial_maze_env.part03_maze_env.env.maze_env.maze_env_factory

# parametrizes the core environment
max_pieces_in_inventory: 200
raw_piece_size: [100, 100]
static_demand: [30, 15]

Additionally, we also provide a wrapper config but refer to Customizing Environments with Wrappers for details.

# @package wrappers

# limits the maximum number of time steps of an episode
  max_episode_steps: 200

# flattens the dictionary observations to work with DenseLayers
        - observation: inventory
          type: maze.preprocessors.FlattenPreProcessor
          keep_original: false
            num_flatten_dims: 2

To learn more about the model config in conf/env_model/tutorial_cutting_2d_basic.yaml you can visit the introduction on how to work with template models.

5.2. Training an Agent

Once the config is set up we are good to go to start our first training run (in the cmd below with the PPO algorithm):

maze-run -cn conf_train env=tutorial_cutting_2d_basic wrappers=tutorial_cutting_2d_basic \
model=tutorial_cutting_2d_basic algorithm=ppo

Running the trainer should print a command line output similar to the one shown below.

 step|path                                                                        |               value
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..time_epoch            ······················|              24.333
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..time_rollout          ······················|               0.754
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..learning_rate         ······················|               0.000
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_loss           0                     |              -0.016
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_grad_norm      0                     |               0.015
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..policy_entropy        0                     |               0.686
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..critic_value          0                     |             -56.659
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..critic_value_loss     0                     |              33.026
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..critic_grad_norm      0                     |               0.500
   12|train     MultiStepActorCritic..time_update           ······················|               1.205
   12|train     DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_0/order       |   [len:8000, μ:0.5]
   12|train     DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_0/piece_idx   | [len:8000, μ:169.2]
   12|train     DiscreteActionEvents  action                substep_0/rotation    |   [len:8000, μ:1.0]
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                median_step_count     |             200.000
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                mean_step_count       |             200.000
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                total_step_count      |           96000.000
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                total_episode_count   |             480.000
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                episode_count         |              40.000
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                std                   |              34.248
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                mean                  |            -186.450
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                min                   |            -259.000
   12|train     BaseEnvEvents         reward                max                   |            -130.000

To get a nicer view on these numbers we can also take a look at the stats with Tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir outputs

You can view it with your browser at http://localhost:6006/.


For now we can only inspect standard metrics such as reward statistics or mean_step_counts per episode. Unfortunately, this is not too informative with respect to the cutting problem we are currently addressing. In the next part we will show how to make logging much more informative by introducing events and KPIs.